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More Additions to the CSS3 Click Chart

More Additions to the CSS3 Click ChartCSS3 is fun to mess around with, and this info chart has certainly kept me busy and helped me to become more familiar with the newest techniques in CSS.

I’ve made updates and modifications to the click chart, including a few improvements to some of the already-existing examples to make them more specific. The changes are listed below, or you can skip the boring descriptions and just use the demo button to view the updated chart.

List of changes and additions:

  • Divided text shadow and box shadow to be separate examples
  • Added radial gradient as a separate example
  • Added the ::selection pseudo-element for text selection color
  • Divided up the “transforms” section into two separate entries: rotation and scale
  • Fixed a vertical scrollbar problem in Opera
  • Added use of the jQuery scrollTo plugin to move the page up and down when the info panel is toggled
  • Added scaling to the transitions example

As usual, feel free to offer any suggestions or corrections. I’ve closed the comments on this post, but you can leave comments at the original article here.

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