The traffic on Impressive Webs is steadily increasing each month, so naturally many companies may inquire about advertising. I’m currently managing my ad units via BuySellAds who have become quite popular among bloggers in various tech-related fields.
BuySellAds does not allow just anyone to advertise through them. All websites must be approved before beginning any ad management. They will not accept sites that they don’t feel are of quality content. Impressive Webs has been accepted under their requirements for quality content.
That having been said, here are some reasons to advertise on Impressive Webs:
- Every month this site gets more than 20,000 page views, and growing. One recent month was over 30,000. Your ad will appear above the fold, in the right sidebar on every one of those page views.
- Every month, between 3,000 and 4,000 visitors find my pages through Google searches, virtually all coming from developers trying to find problems to various CSS and JavaScript challenges.
- There are no hugely distracting graphics or background images. The design of Impressive Webs is specifically geared towards focus on content. Therefore, any colorful ads displayed in the sidebar will always have a strong amount of visual focus.
- The content on this site is generally information-heavy and well-researched. I don’t post “roundups” or other list-type posts that have extremely high bounce rates and attract superficial web browsing.
If you have any questions or would like to advertise directly through Impressive Webs (bypassing BuySellAds), please use the contact form and we can negotiate a price that suits the needs of your business.
Thank you for your interest in adverstising to support Impressive Webs!