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How to Disable JavaScript in Almost Any Browser

Disable JavaScript in the Browser In 2022 I think it’s still important as a web developer to test your how your websites look and function when users disable JavaScript in their browser. Developing in this way used to be a cornerstone of Progressive Enhancement and can be handy on both desktop or mobile.

I still find myself wanting disabling JavaScript on pages I visit. Sometimes it’s to test a page I’m working on, but in other instances it’s simply to visit a web page that’s not functioning correctly and I want to see if JavaScript is the culprit.

A Deeper Look at Generic Font Names in CSS

A Deeper Look at Generic Fonts in CSSIf you’ve been writing CSS for some time, then you’ve certainly done something similar to the following, and likely multiple times in a single stylesheet:

The lone declaration in the rule set above is what’s commonly referred to as a font stack. This line defines the font that the browser should use for the specified element (in this case, for the <body> element). The stack is “Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif”. This instructs the browser to take the following steps:

Cursor-Over-Text Behaviour in Browsers

Cursor-Over-Text Behaviour in BrowsersBy default, in all major browsers, when you hover your mouse over text on a web page, the cursor changes from the regular arrow (the “default” cursor) to a “text” cursor.

You can see this demonstrated in the GIF below or by simply testing it out on just about any web page: — What’s the Correct Behaviour? behaviourSome things in the specs have behaviours that browser makers are required to adhere to. But other areas are a bit gray, where there is no definite guidance on implementation, so sometimes the behaviour is different from browser to browser.

Take a look, for example, at the select() method, which allows you to use JavaScript to select the text inside an input or textarea element.

IE11 “Emulation” and Conditional Comments

IE11 EmulationSometime over the past week, my Windows 7 machine did some updates that, amazingly, included an auto-update of IE10 to IE11. This is great news. This is the first time I’ve heard of any version of IE being pushed out automatically as a “critical” update (which I assume is what it did, since I don’t ever do the optional updates and those don’t happen automatically).

Those who have checked out IE11 have probably noticed a visual overhaul to the developer tools. One particular thing I noticed is that the “document mode” and “browser mode” options that were present in IE10’s tools have now been integrated into something called “Emulation” (which you can open quickly by hitting F12 then CTRL-8).

Dropping -ms- Vendor Prefixes for IE10

Dropping -ms- Vendor Prefixes for IE10The upcoming IE10 will continue to have strong support for a number of CSS3 features and HTML5 APIs.

But if you haven’t yet heard, many of these features will be supported in IE10 unprefixed. These include gradients, animations, transitions, and more.

The Truth About IE10

The Truth About IE10There’s been a lot of talk about IE10, and what it supports, and the great improvements it’s made.

Taking all the latest news into consideration, I summarize my thoughts on this subject in this post.

Release Histories for all Major Browsers

Release Histories for all Major BrowsersI thought it would be interesting to list the release history for major versions of each of the big browsers.

Two factors that I believe will play a role in eventually abolishing browser version numbers are the rapid release schedule, and auto-updating — both of which, if I’m not mistaken, are Google Chrome inventions.

Each version history table timeline has a single colored row that represents the browser release that took the longest.