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Accessible and Keyboard-Friendly Hamburger Menu + Slide Out Navigation

Hamburger Menu This week I did some research to try to build a hamburger menu that opens a slide-out navigation panel, a common design pattern nowadays. But I wanted to ensure the whole thing was keyboard-friendly and as accessible as possible.

I’m not 100% sure what I’ve come up with is the most accessible solution, but I did consult a number of decent sources on building accessible navigation menus like these. I also did some rudimentary testing using the free NVDA screen reader, to ensure there are no major problems.

So You Really Want to Learn React? Well, So Do I.

Learn ReactI probably don’t need to tell you that if you want to make it easier marketing yourself as a strong front-end web developer, it’s important to learn React. No, it’s not absolutely crucial, nor is it required. But React is undoubtedly the most important UI library in the front-end landscape in 2019 and it’s not going away anytime soon.

onchange vs. oninput for Range Sliders

Free range eggsA common UI pattern for a range slider is to allow the user to move the slider and display the value of it somewhere on the page, changing the displayed value as the user moves the slider.

I think the expected behaviour in such a case is that the value should display instantly, as the user is moving the slider, rather than the page waiting for the slider to finish moving before the displayed value is updated. I suppose there could be cases where you prefer a delay over instant results, but I think the expected behaviour is to display the results instantly.

As you’ll see in the videos below and in your own testing, the behaviour of the input event compared to the change event is not exactly the same in different browsers when applied to a range slider.

Why Use jQuery for Simple JavaScript Tutorials?

Why Use jQuery for Simple JavaScript Tutorials?A trackback on one of my previous posts (yeah, trackbacks aren’t just for spam) alerted me to an interesting point brought up by a blogger named Matt Pass. In his post entitled Walnut, Meet jQuery Sledgehammer he politely explains why he feels it’s overkill to use jQuery in a simple tutorial post.

His main point is summarized in this quote: “Do you really need a 90k JavaScript library (and thats the minified version) to toggle the size of a menu?”

Recreating the Content Switcher with jQuery and CSS3

This article was first published on June 1, 2010 and has been updated to include a few extra features and an improved code base.

The Content Switcher Recreated with jQuery and CSS3I’m a huge baseball fan, so earlier this year, just for a fun side project, I recreated the Flash content switcher using jQuery and CSS3.

My goal with this project was to try to recreate the switcher without any extraneous images or other non-essential elements that tend to make stuff less maintainable.

My version uses CSS3’s border-radius, RGBA colors, opacity, and a small use of a gradient, and still looks acceptable in non-supportive browsers (although the jQuery is not as smooth in IE6 & IE7). Be sure to look at the real version on for comparison; there are a few small differences, but mine is basically the same.

Making Unobtrusive JavaScript Practical Again

Making Unobtrusive JavaScript Easier to Track DownMaybe it’s just me. Maybe I’m a JavaScript debugging n00b, or maybe it’s my limited knowledge of Firebug.

While I fully support the use of unobtrusive JavaScript in all projects, I do find it has one weakness: Connecting the HTML element with the code that acts upon it.

If you’ve been coding JavaScript since the dark ages of the web, you’ll know that JavaScript used to be commonly implemented in an obtrusive fashion that mixed markup with behaviour, which made your code messy, and added extra code to every individual page rather than putting it in an external reusable file.

Here is a simple example:

Getting Buggy CSS Selectors to Work Cross-Browser via jQuery

Getting Buggy CSS Selectors to Work with jQueryAlthough the lack of cross-browser CSS selector support has caused a number of useful CSS selectors to go almost unnoticed, developers can still manipulate styles on their pages using some of these little-used selectors through jQuery.

Below I’ve prepared a simple table that describes a number of CSS selectors that are not cross-browser compatible, along with the jQuery syntax for each. The syntaxes are exactly the same as they would be in CSS, save for the jQuery wrapper (just remove $() and the quotes to get the CSS syntax), so using these selectors in jQuery will provide somewhat of a practice ground to prepare you for when they’re fully supported by all commonly-used browsers.

Avoiding Problems With JavaScript’s getElementById Method in Internet Explorer 7

Targeting Elements Using getElementByIdEvery week this website gets about 700 unique visits from Google searches, mostly from people searching for solutions to problems with JavaScript and CSS. I’m flattered, and I hope I can continue to publish useful articles that will assist people and help with the exchange of ideas and techniques. One search phrase that leads surfers to my site pretty much every day is something along the lines of “getElementById explorer 7”.

If you type this phrase into Google, Impressive Webs currently comes in at around result 115. Not to mention the fact that the article that comes up doesn’t really address this issue directly. That’s not a very good ranking for that search phrase — yet somehow people are still finding one of my pages through that search.

It is obvious that developers — likely beginners — are having issues getting the proper results when utilizing the getElementById method available in JavaScript, particularly in Internet Explorer versions 6 and 7. And since the users seem to be searching through dozens of web pages looking for a solution to their particular problem, then obviously the pages discussing this JavaScript method are either too confusing or don’t specifically provide a practical solution.

A Consideration of Variable and Function Scope in JavaScript

A Consideration of JavaScript ScopeMany aspects of JavaScript code development are taken for granted, and scope is really no different. Of course, in many cases where minimal code is required, variable scope (or function scope) is a non-issue. But if you’re planning to get into larger application development with JavaScript, then you need to understand at least the basics on scope in JavaScript.

Using some simple code examples, I’m going to run through the basics of scope and try to give beginning to intermediate JavaScript developers a better grasp of this very important concept.