This e-book package is a collection of 54 tips and techniques, plus three long-form articles, each originally published in individual releases of Web Tools Weekly, and on this website.
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Book Info
- Number of pages in PDF: 123
- E-Book formats in package: EPUB, PDF
- Number of tips: 68 + 4 longform articles
- Price: $7.99
- URL to Purchase:
Book Contents
- Using Array.sort()
- Click Events on
- change vs. input Events on Different Elements
- Keys in ES6 Maps
- window.scrollTo()
- Third Parameter for addEventListener()
- Clearing JavaScript Timers
- Node.isConnected
- Different Ways to Get Element Dimensions
- Efficient Event Delegation
- Mouse Wheel Events
- DOM Element Dimensions and CSS Transforms
- Using const in the Global Scope
- Array.fill()
- Array Method Returns
- JavaScript Thunk
- Array.includes()
- elseif in JavaScript
- Object.preventExtensions()
- Applying a Method on a Number
- classList with Multiple Classes
- globalThis
- Property Descriptors
- history.scrollRestoration
- Object.assign()
- Using the File API
- New String Methods
- Array.entries()
- Object.keys() and Object.values()
- Destructuring Multiple Function Parameters
- Building A Quick-and-dirty Code Editor
- Remove All Falsy Values from an Array
- focus() with preventScroll
- Fixing focus() on mousedown
- keypress Event now Deprecated
- The beforeinput Event
- An Intro to JavaScript Generator Functions
- The FormData() Constructor
- $(document).ready() in Vanilla JavaScript
- Array.flat()
- The Optional Chaining Operator
- More on the Optional Chaining Operator
- The Nullish Coalescing Operator
- The Exponentiation Operator
- Regex Sticky Flag
- import.meta
- Element.closest()
- Anatomy of a URL with the Location Object
- Writing Clean, Maintainable Code
- The return Statement
- replaceWith()
- monitorEvents()
- RORO Pattern
- Magic Numbers
- instanceOf
- Replacing Logical Or
- Image.complete
- Remove Empty Array Slots
- Array Equality
- RegExp dotAll
- Async/Await Functions
- The URL() API
- Deep Copy vs. Shallow Copy
- The label Property for Form Elements
- Object.freeze() and Object.seal()
- JavaScript Classes
- Event Properties
- Everything You Wanted to Know About Infinity in JavaScript (6 sub-headings)
- The Drag and Drop API (5 sub-headings)
- Fading in a Page on Load with CSS & JavaScript (3 sub-headings)
- Using the adoptNode() Method with Embedded iframes (2 sub-headings)
Purchase is done via Leanpub.