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Detecting Specific Text Input with HTML and CSS

The accesskey AttributeRecently I came across a CodePen demo by a developer/engineer named Jane that was Tweeted out by Šime Vidas. The demo has a neat collection of HTML and CSS tricks rolled into one that I thought was worth examining in detail.

The page displays a secret message based on specific text input. Ok, that’s no big deal, right? Well this is done using pure HTML and CSS – no JavaScript. I’ve seen stuff like this before, but I thought it would be cool to break down exactly how this works. There are a few notable things happening in the code so I’ll break down each of the parts.

Fading in a Page on Load with CSS & JavaScript

Fading in a Page on Load with CSS & JavaScript When I visit a page, I get annoyed when I try to interact with elements while the website is still loading. Often stuff is moving around, fonts aren’t quite loaded, and it feels broken.

I know nowadays we’re obsessed in this industry with gaining every millisecond in page performance. But in a couple of projects that I recently overhauled, I added a subtle and clean loading mechanism that I think makes the experience nicer, even if it does ultimately slightly delay the time that the user is able to start interacting with my page.

Accessible and Keyboard-Friendly Hamburger Menu + Slide Out Navigation

Hamburger Menu This week I did some research to try to build a hamburger menu that opens a slide-out navigation panel, a common design pattern nowadays. But I wanted to ensure the whole thing was keyboard-friendly and as accessible as possible.

I’m not 100% sure what I’ve come up with is the most accessible solution, but I did consult a number of decent sources on building accessible navigation menus like these. I also did some rudimentary testing using the free NVDA screen reader, to ensure there are no major problems.

Adding CSS to a Page via HTTP Headers

Adding CSS to a Page via HTTP Headers I’ve been coding websites for a long time but even I was a little puzzled when I came across a Hacker News comment where the commenter described their own makeshift CMS that involves using your own file system. The most interesting part to me was when the person said they add CSS to pages on their personal projects by means of HTTP headers.

I had heard of this technique before and the person does say in the comment that this doesn’t work in every browser. But I decided to do some research to figure out how one might do this and why this would be easier than just dropping in one or more <link> elements in the HTML.

DOM Element Dimensions and CSS Transforms

DOM Element Dimensions and CSS TransformsIn a recent issue of my newsletter, I briefly discussed many (if not all?) of the different ways you can retrieve a DOM element’s dimensions via JavaScript.

These include getBoundingClientRect()‘s width and height properties, offsetWidth and offsetHeight, window.getComputedStyle(), the document.styleSheets object, and scrollWidth and scrollHeight.

CSS Positioning Basics (Screencast)

CSS PositioningA couple of years ago I wrote an article for a company called Thinkful on CSS positioning, which also included a screencast that I hosted on my ImpressiveWebs YouTube channel. The video was “unlisted” but I’ve now made it public, and since some time has passed I thought I would post the video here.

It’s pretty basic stuff for most experienced CSS developers, but if anyone wants a quick primer on CSS positioning, this should be a good guide. The video is embedded below and I’ve summarized the content here in this post.

Animating from “display: block” to “display: none”

Animating display: block to display: noneAs you might already know, CSS transitions and animations allow you to animate a specific set of CSS properties. One of the properties that cannot be animated is the display property.

It would be great if we could do it, but it’s not currently possible and I’m guessing it never will be (e.g. how would you animate to “display: table”?). But there are ways to work around it, and I’ll present one way here.

Vertical Percentages in CSS

Vertical Percentages in CSSI don’t think this happens very often. To be honest, I don’t think I’ve ever used a percentage value on a top padding/margin, or a bottom padding/margin value. Even for height values, I may have used a 100% value for a hack, but nothing else.

Nonetheless, using percentages on those vertical parts of a page are somewhat different in the way they are calculated, compared to other properties that take percentage values.

Language-wide Features in CSS

Language-wide Features in CSSIn addition to the unique property/value pairs that CSS offers, there are also a small handful of language-wide features that can come in handy, including a few that are brand new in the spec.

These often go unnoticed, especially by beginners, because when CSS properties and their possible values are discussed (in tutorials, books, or even in the spec), these features are usually omitted for brevity.

The Minimum Code for a CSS Transition

transition-durationHere’s something interesting that you may not have realized about CSS3 transitions. Normally, you’ll see a transition declared by utilizing three different properties, either in longhand or shorthand.

In both cases, we’re explicitly declaring three of the four transition-related properties (leaving out transition-delay). Can a transition occur with less code than that? Well, yes.